package com.rapidminer.eval;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.rapidminer.example.Attribute;
//import com.rapidminer.example.AttributeRole;
import com.rapidminer.example.Attributes;
import com.rapidminer.example.Example;
import com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet;
//import com.rapidminer.operator.UserError;
import com.rapidminer.operator.RatingPrediction.IRatingPredictor;
*Copyright (C) 2010 Steffen Rendle, Zeno Gantner
*Copyright (C) 2011 Zeno Gantner
*This file is originally part of MyMediaLite.
*Ported by Matej Mihelcic (Ru�er Bo�kovi� Institute) 28.07.2011
public class RatingEval
/// <summary>the evaluation measures for rating prediction offered by the class</summary>
static public HashSet<String> Measures()
HashSet<String> a= new HashSet<String>();
a.add("RMSE"); a.add("MAE"); a.add("NMAE");
return a;
/// <summary>Write rating prediction results to STDOUT</summary>
/// <param name="result">the output of the Evaluate() method</param>
static public void DisplayResults(Map<String, Double> result)
System.out.print("RMSE"+" "+ result.get("RMSE")+" "+"MAE"+" "+result.get("MAE")+" NMAE "+result.get("NMAE"));
/// <summary>Evaluates a rating predictor for RMSE, MAE, and NMAE</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For NMAE, see "Eigentaste: A Constant Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm" by Goldberg et al.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="recommender">rating predictor</param>
/// <param name="ratings">Test cases</param>
/// <returns>a Dictionary containing the evaluation results</returns>
static public Map<String,Double> Evaluate(IRatingPredictor recommender, IRatings ratings)
double rmse = 0;
double mae = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < ratings.Count(); index++)
double error = (recommender.Predict(ratings.GetUsers().get(index), ratings.GetItems().get(index)) - ratings.GetValues(index));
rmse += error * error;
mae += Math.abs(error);
mae = mae / ratings.Count();
rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse / ratings.Count());
Map<String,Double> result = new java.util.HashMap<String,Double>();
result.put("RMSE", rmse);
result.put("MAE", mae);
result.put("NMAE", mae / (recommender.GetMaxRating() - recommender.GetMinRating()));
return result;
static public Map<String,Double> Evaluate(List<Double> ratings, List<Double> prediction, double maxRating, double minRating)
double rmse = 0;
double mae = 0;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rating and prediction vector must be of a same size!");
for (int index = 0; index < ratings.size(); index++)
double error = (prediction.get(index) - ratings.get(index));
rmse += error * error;
mae += Math.abs(error);
mae = mae / ratings.size();
rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse / ratings.size());
Map<String,Double> result = new java.util.HashMap<String,Double>();
result.put("RMSE", rmse);
result.put("MAE", mae);
result.put("NMAE", mae / (maxRating - minRating));
return result;
static public Map<String,Double> Evaluate(ExampleSet exampleSet, int min, int max)
double rmse = 0;
double mae = 0;
Attributes Att1=exampleSet.getAttributes();
Attribute r=Att1.getLabel();
Attribute pr=Att1.get("prediction");
for (Example example : exampleSet) {
double rating=example.getValue(r);
double prediction=example.getValue(pr);
double error = (prediction-rating);
rmse += error * error;
mae += Math.abs(error);
mae = mae / exampleSet.size();
rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse / exampleSet.size());
Map<String,Double> result = new java.util.HashMap<String,Double>();
result.put("RMSE", rmse);
result.put("MAE", mae);
result.put("NMAE", mae / (max - min));
return result;